I've been a Guard player ever since 3rd edition so I'd be happy to give it a read and give my 2 cents. Has this been released? I couldn't seem to find the codex in the Reddit link provided. FB link here for those of you with that:Īnd reddit, in case any of you have a presence on that godforsaken platform Games Workshop has given us permission to make this codex, and while it us unusable for tournaments, it is usable for friendly games of matched play and in games with the new Crusade system.ĭiscord link at the top for those of you with that. While we are looking for people who are willing to playtest, we welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in this codex, or one in drop troops in general. Currently we are looking for as many people who play the Astra Militarum as possible to help playtest our codex.īalance is our top priority- the last thing we want is for this codex to be unfair and unfun to play against. Our development team has been working tirelessly and we are close to producing a full alpha version of a drop troops codex (we’re onto version 0.9999!) as well as being able to make your very own army lists using the Battlescribe app.
We are a group of over 300 Astra Militarum players who wanted a proper ruleset and codex for Elysian regiments and custom airborne regiments that neither Games Workshop nor Forge World support. Hullo again Dakka- long time no post! (Although I doubt I was missed lol)